Monday, 13 January 2014

Climate change or just lucky?

Winter, the time for indoor work and catching up or so I thought! We have been here in France for our tenth winter now and this year we have never known anything like it. Ok so I know that we are in the early days and things could change and very quickly but oh my are we having it good so far.

Yesterday we were invited to our friends and neighbours for lunch. We were met outside on the terrace, in the sunshine and the thermometer was showing 29 degrees C in the sun. Unbelievable.

As a result of this extra mild weather I have done more gardening than I would normally at this time of year. We have tackled the hedge down the side of our property in the hope that we can manage it better from now on and keep it looking good.

I've even started weeding as the ground isn't cold so they come out easily and I get to see all of the bulbs and seedlings that are emerging.

On reflection though it could all be the calm before the storm and we could yet having the freezing temperatures that we usually get. I'm taking precautions just in case - lots of growth left on for insulation and fallen leaves left for the worms to compost. Only time will tell how the garden will be this year and I just can't wait.

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