Wherever I go I am watchful of the insects that I know to be cautious about. I where long trousers, usually wellies, and long sleeves. I habitually prefer to wear black, which is also off putting to the little critters, or so I believe.
The insect that cause the problem above was never identified but the general concensus from my friends is that it was possibly a spider - if it was it must have been microscopic as I didn't see anything.
I now wear gardening gloves most of the time and these help protect from the spikey plants but only the other day I felt a bite on my little finger whilst wedding - again I saw nothing but I felt it - ouch!
The gardening gloves too can be a hazard, especially as I tend to leave mine lying around in the polytunnel. Last year was a bumper year for hornets and their nests in there and I had the misfortune to feel one sting me as it was trying to exit the finger of the glove that I was pulling on - another ouch! I now keep at least one pair of gloves in the home (resulting on me not actually wearing any of the others, an oversight!)
Rambling I may be but there is a point to me telling you this. I now have my trusty remedies and repellents in place. The two which I find most useful are completely natural, cheap and effective. Number 1 is white vinegar. I love the stuff and it has so many useful properties for health and hygiene, no home should be without at least a bottle of it handy.
Dab it on bites and stings immediately and the pain is instantly reduced or stopped altogether. This is also ideal for children as it causes them no pain.
My number 2 is a repellent or deterrent if you like.
I shall tell you more about this bag of water (no it's not white vinegar!) in due course.
Are you susceptible to insects bites too? What are your favoured remedies?
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